Lake Michigan from the pier @ Holland State Park, Holland, MI
Michigan (The Mitten State) in the summer is a wonderful place to be. We Michiganders wait patiently all winter for the glorious days of summer.
Summer in The Mitten means: Days spent enjoying the beauty of Lake Michigan. I feel blessed to live only 30 minutes from the Big Lake. The beauty of the Great Lakes never ceases to amaze me.
Grand Haven State Park, Grand Haven, MI
The pier @ Grand Haven
Taking a dip: World's Cutest Brother, Me, Baby Sister
Summer in The Mitten means: Beautiful flowers all around. I have three huge hydrangea bushes and I love cutting the massive blooms to bring inside.
I'm also loving my zinnias which just started to bloom this week. These are from the Seeds from Italy that I started indoors this spring.
Summer in The Mitten means: Golf. Lots and lots of golf. We love golf in my family. I've played pretty much my whole life and usually play 2-3 times a week in the summer.
World's Cutest Brother taking a shot.
My brother is a lefty (like me, but I play golf right handed) and he has a great swing. He hits the ball much further than I ever could at 9! This summer he said to me: "I wish Dad had taught you how to play golf left handed so that we could share clubs!" Me too, E, me too.
My Dad watching my brother tee off.
Summer in The Mitten means: Fresh produce making its way into every meal. What could be better?
First harvest of my tomatoes.
caprese + spinach salad
Fresh Michigan blueberries
Summer in The Mitten means: Riding bikes. . .
. . .on the bike trail. . .
Blurry picture because I was riding my bike while taking pictures - not something I would recommend!
. . .to the ice cream shop for Hudsonville Ice Cream - made in Michigan!
I hope you are enjoying summer as much as I am!