
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Arizona Vacation Recap...

I had a wonderful time out in Arizona.  The weather was perfect - sunny and 85 everyday.  Only our last day there was cloudy and cooler.

We spent A LOT of time in the sun and the pool.
World's Cutest Brother is happy to stay in the pool for hours...
He was also determined to hold his breath underwater for a really long time and so we kept timing him...
I love this picture of Baby Sister....this photo is just so her!  It makes me smile when I look at it.  I was laying on a raft in the pool and she handed me my camera and I got this shot.
We went out for dinner at lots of our favorite places.  One of my favorite meals was at Razz's.  If you are in the Phoenix / Scottsdale area I highly recommend it.  The food is delicious! 
I forced everyone to pose for photos one night before we left for dinner.
{ World's Cutest Brother and our Dad }
{ Me with Baby Sister }
One morning we went on a hike.  It was beautiful but I was pretty worried we were going to run into some sort of dessert critter.  Luckily the only thing we saw were rabbits.  I'm always worried about rattle snakes, javelinas, and coyotes when I'm out in AZ!
The scenery was beautiful.  It felt like we were in the middle of nowhere.
This is an old Saguaro - look at all those arms!
It was St. Patrick's Day, so after our hike we headed down to the fountain in Fountain Hills (Where my Dad's house is) to see the fountain turn green! 
A little info about the fountain taken from the town's website:  The fountain, built in 1970, sprays water for about 15 minutes every hour at the top of the hour. The plume rises from a concrete water lily sculpture in the center of a large man-made lake.  With all three pumps and under ideal conditions, the fountain reaches 560 feet in height, though in normal operation only two of the pumps are used, with a fountain height of around 300 feet. When built, it was the world's tallest fountain and held that record for over a decade.
The fountain went from this:
To this:
I took a whole series of photos of agave plants.  I'm going to frame them and hang in my bathroom.
Baby Sister and I each got a pair of cowboy boots.  Yes - real, honest to goodness, made in the U.S.A. cowboy boots!  I've been wanting a pair for a while now and where better to buy them than in AZ?  We went to an authentic western store { Saba's }.  You would not believe all the boots they had - hundreds for sure!
Other trip highlights:
: : I tried escargot for the first time @ Razz's.  I can't believe how much I liked it.
: : We went and saw The Adjustment Bureau at an ipic Theater.  I'm not sure I'll be able to go to a regular movie theater again!  The seats are huge and fully recline, you have a server and full menu { I enjoyed a glass of wine with the movie }, they come around with free popcorn, and pillows and blankets are included.  It was really fun!
: : Spending time with Dad during his morning ritual - Going to the gym @ Copperwynd and then to Starbucks for his daily Venti Ice Green Tea.
: : Sitting outside at night with Dad and Baby Sister looking at the stars, talking, and sipping on wine.
: : I played my first round of golf of 2011 and hit the ball pretty well!
It was another great trip!



  1. Looks wonderful, like the perfect getaway. I can't be too jealous, as I just got back from a respite in SC.

  2. Your trip sounds wonderful! Those images are going to be great in your bathroom!

  3. I have a very similar pair of boots. :) They will last forever!

    What a wonderful trip, Alissa. Your family is so beautiful...and I really LOVE that pool!

  4. We lived in Gilbert, AZ for about 2 years. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    Take care, Laura

  5. Love all the vegetation in AZ...the saguaros are amazing out there! :)

  6. I'm going on a mini-vacay to Scottsdale at the end of April (I did a post about it on Friday). I've never been before so I was wondering if you have any must-see spots and/or restaurants for me to check out? I'd really appreciate it :)

  7. It just looks so relaxing! What beautiful pictures!

  8. Alyssa, What lovely pictures, especially the agave. I was in Phoenix about 5 years ago and I loved it. The desert is beautiful this time of year! Take care and have a lovely Spring!

  9. That looked like a great trip. I have never been to AZ but hubby is going there for business soon. That movie theater sounds like lots of fun. Nothing like that around here though.

  10. Sounds like you had a fantastic time. Don't you just love family time? Haven't been to Arizona in ages! Must take the kids there!

  11. I'm glad you had a great trip, Alissa. Gorgeous photos as usual. I love the cactus and the agave plants. Awesome cowboy boots!

  12. it sounds like a great trip! We were in Scottsdale 2 years ago in March and the weather was so perfect then too. It was the first time I've seen the grand canyon too so it was a very memorable trip! :)

  13. Great pictures, Alissa! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation.

    Your blog is looking super cute! :)

  14. Looks like you had fun! I live in Glendale, Az. just a few miles from Fountain Hills! I'm a native Zonie ;) Is your dad a Dr. by any chance? He looks really familiar (I'm in health care)
    btw, I go hiking a ton here in AZ. and I've only ever seen 2 rattlesnakes in my whole life and they want nothing to do w humans so rest assured. maybe I shouldn't mention that it's scorpions you should really watch out for. ;)

  15. My parents live in Fountain HIlls, just to the right as you drive up the mountain before F.H. They live on a golf course (which one, I don't know). I used to live on Scottsdale Ranch off of Shea and Pima. Your photos reflect AZ perfectly. Some of AZ I miss, some of it I don't . . . it's always nice to visit family there though, especially when it's cold everywhere else in March!


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