
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Amy Butler Anna Tunic

I can't tell you how happy I am to be finished with this shirt! 
Last year a few weeks before Mother's Day, my Mom and I were at the fabric store together.  We saw this pattern and she loved the shirt. 

So, for Mother's Day (LAST LEAR!) I wrapped up a piece of the fabric and told her I was making her the shirt.  Well, I cut out the pieces and then I got really intimidated with the pattern.  And it sat, and sat.  For awhile.
Someone I know told me they made the shirt and that it was a little tricky.  That made me even more nervous.  I worked on it little by little but mostly is just sat.  And then sometime last month I was determined to finish it.  Everything was going well, it wasn't nearly as hard to sew as I thought.  I had a few steps left before it was finished and I decided to try it on.  It was so way too tight!  I learned a huge lesson.  When I started I never took my Mom's measurements.  I based the size on the measurements on the pattern.  According to the pattern, a small was a 6-8 and a medium was 10-12.  I went with the small knowing that a 6-8 is my Mom's size.  Wrong!  I think the sizing was way off.  I had my Mom try on the shirt and I marked it up a bit around the armholes and took out the sides as much as I could.
Luckily, it worked.  The shirt fits her perfectly!  And she really likes it.  I don't even think she is upset about getting her 2010 Mother's day a month before Mother's Day 2011.
I love the buttons on the back.
There is also a tie with the tunic.
Here's my Mom trying on the shirt:
Fits her just right!
This shirt is the first time I have ever sewed an adult size piece of clothing.  I actually want to try another piece of clothing now.  I'll just make sure to measure myself first next time!


  1. Great job, it looks beautiful. Your stitching is perfect.

  2. You did a fabulous job on your Mom's top!It turned out beautiful! I love the green dots.

  3. You did amazing! I agree that the stitching looks great. good job!

  4. SO cute! I love it!!! I'm telling you what - sewing with patterns in general intimidates me. My coworker wants me to make an A-lined skirt for her and I'm sitting here looking at the pattern (which is possibly MUCH easier than the one you just used) and am SO intimidated! Boy do I wish we were neighbors!

  5. Alissa you are so gifted! I think it is an adorable shirt. Love the color!

  6. That is one cool shirt. Sometimes the best things are those that take time.

  7. Beautiful job Alissa! I bet your mom loved having a handmade gift from you! You are so talented!!!

  8. Well done Alissa! I always wish I could sew when I see such cute things!

    Many Blessings,

  9. Wow! That is absolutely adorable. Way to go on your first try.

  10. You are so, so good, Alissa. Wow! And, what a sweet gift.

  11. Such a sweet thing to do for your mom! She looks great in it! :)

  12. Way to go Alissa!!! I have given up sewing adult size clothing because the sizing is always off, despite a brief stint learning pattern drafting, I still can't get it right, usually too big! Yours looks fantastic though! I have always wanted to try an Amy Butler pattern. MAybe I will stick with a quilt or an apron ;)

  13. That is beautiful! I love the pattern and fabric, and your Mom looks great in it! I have a sewing machine I got 3-4 years ago and it's still in the box. I'm terrified of it!

  14. I love it!
    I had a top for my toddler like this. From Portabello Pixie.
    It was hard on me too. I try to finish my projects quick too, but this one just sat and sat.
    Like your blog!

  15. You are so talented! It turned out lovely.

  16. Fantastic, Alissa. Nice work. I love the gathering along the front. It turned out beautifully.

  17. Wow, I'm impressed!!! That turned out so cute and it looks perfect on your mom!

  18. Great job as always! This tunic would be really cute with a black patent leather belt, black capri pants and cute sandels.

  19. This is such a cute shirt! I've just been browsing through your blog and love it!!! I'm your newest follower!

  20. What an amazing sewing job. I'd buy that shirt! I wish I were that skilled a seamstress!

  21. It looks so cute! You did an amazing job -it fits perfectly! I just bought the Amy Butler Liverpool tunic pattern and can't wait to get started on it! :)

  22. WOW, you did an amazing job! In high school, I took a class where we were able to make pieces....I wish mine would have turned out even half as good!

  23. Very cute! I love the collar!

  24. love the pattern. it's so sweet that you made that for your mom. it looks so great on her! you should be SO PROUD of your accomplishment.

  25. Just as I got jealous of your cooking skills, I am now also jealous of your sewing skills!

  26. So cute. Love your blog. You are super talented!
    I am currently taking sewing lessons and was just wondering-since this is the first piece of clothing you have ever made, did you ever take lessons? I've seen other things you've made and everything always looks so good.
    Pat in Chicago

  27. so cute you did a wonderful job with this piece. i am a HUGE amy butler fan.. she has the best patterns. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams

  28. Pat - thanks for your nice comment. Your question about taking lessons reminded me that I actually have made a piece of adult clothing before! I took a sewing class probably 9 years ago and we sewed a bathrobe. It was a 4 or 6 week class and we sewed a bit each week. I also have taken a couple quilting classes. Each of those were day long classes. I'd love to take another one because it's been several years since I've taken one! I have a few sewing reference books that I refer to when I need to tackle a technique that I haven't done before. Hope you are enjoying your class.

  29. Ali,
    I am going to love wearing this top! You did a fantastic job but before we took the photos I should have put make-up on my arms,yikes

  30. Beautiful, your sewing and your Mom. I do that far too often....start a project...get intimidated, distracted, busy, etc. It is hard to get back on target. Glad to know I am not alone in my procrastination woes! Thank you for being honest and sharing the process along with the wonderful results. Blessings


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