
Friday, June 24, 2011

Crazy Days of Summer: Yellow

Happy Friday!
Today I am taking part in a photo challenge hosted by Alicia of Project Alicia and Kristi of Live and Love out Loud.  The theme this week is:  Yellow.
When Alicia posted about the challenge this week and mentioned the theme, I immediately thought of this field of weeds.  I rent a plot at a community garden and this week when I went to check on my plants, the fields surrounding the plots had erupted into fields of yellow.  I don't know what type of weed this is, but boy, it's everywhere!

Have a great weekend!


  1. These are just stunning!! Yellow is one of my favorite colors.

    I enjoyed these.

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  2. Well, it's very pretty as is your photography!

  3. lovely imgaes yellows such a happy cherry colour

  4. love these photos! have a great weekend!

  5. There is just something about a field of yellow flowers that makes me want to take of my shoes, spread my arms, and run around in circles. Great photos!

  6. Loving the yellow fields of flowers! So so pretty! Happy Weekend to you!

  7. What a beautiful field of yellow you have captured!

  8. These photos are beautiful! Wildflower fields make me happy. These pics> They totally make me happy! :)
    Thanks so much for joining Alicia and I for the Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge. I can't wait to see what you'll do with next week's theme, LIGHT. Have a great weekend! :)

  9. So pretty Alissa!! It's the stuff dreams are made of - seriously, a picnic basket with wine and cheese and grapes, a blanket and that field??? *sigh*

  10. that field would be so fun to run and lay down in!

  11. Thanks so much for participating in our Crazy Days of Summer Challenge, Alissa! These are just gorgeous. I've been sitting here trying to decide which one is my fav but they are all fantastic! I am a sucker for beautiful weeds. My photos files are filled with them. lol.

  12. I just love summer! Your photo's are beautiful!

  13. I can't get a good look at the leaves, but I think it is either wild arugula or wild mustard. Both are good to eat before they bloom. Afterwards they are bitter.


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