
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tasty Tuesdays: Summer Tastes Like Pesto

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays!
How was your weekend?  Mine was busy - it included breakfast with a friend from high school (who I haven't seen in 14 years...Hi Carrie!), A Keith Urban Concert with an overnight stay Downtown, and a surprise birthday party for my Dad.  It was busy and fun.
I am re-posting this pesto recipe from last Summer because my basil is in full swing and it's definitely pesto season!  Yum.
Pesto is such a wonderful, easy meal to make in the summer. Cooking is minimal and pesto only requires 5 ingredients!

Pesto is so simple, you don't really even need a recipe, but just to make sure I got the measurements right I followed Mark Bittman's recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks.
Basic Pesto - Ingredients:
- 2 loosely packed cups fresh basil leaves, big stems discarded, rinsed and dried
- Salt to taste
- 1/2 to 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 2 tablespoons pine nuts or walnuts, lightly toasted in a dry skillet or in the oven on a cookie sheet
- 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, or more
- 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan or other hard cheese
- cooked pasta
Basil is the star ingredient in pesto, so make sure you use the freshest basil you can find. I have lots of basil growing in pots on my deck so basil has been showing up in lots of summer meals lately.
1. Combine the basil, salt, garlic, nuts, and about half the oil in a food processor or blender.
2. Process, stopping to scrape down the sides of the container occasionally, and adding the rest of the oil gradually. Add additional oil if you prefer a thinner mixture.
When finished, the pesto will look like this:
Toss with freshly cooked pasta, top with additional nuts and grated cheese, and enjoy!
Pesto can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, or in the freezer for several months.
What did you cook this week?
{ Please add a link in your post back to Tasty Tuesdays or add the Tasty Tuesdays button which can be found on my sidebar.  Thanks! }


  1. This is stunning! The pics are gorgeous and the food looks so yummy! It is always my pleasure to visit your creative space:)
    Friend, I would love to see you on my blog:)

  2. I'd love to add my link -- but the linky is closed.

    Your pesto looks good. I have to make mine without nuts, and just tasted pesto for the first time a bout a year or so ago!! Love it.

    Thanks for hosting.

  3. I'm joining you today Alissa. Your recipe looks scrumptious!

  4. No kidding, just last night I was looking for a basic basil pesto recipe!! Thanks so much - and for the linky party.

  5. Alissa, I posted about basil pesto yesterday!! (and made it last night - it was DElicious.) Great minds think alike! :)

  6. Hi Alissa! You're right...summer DOES taste like pesto :-). I only grew one basil plant this year (usually I have 3), so our pesto production has been slow. Your recipe sounds easy and classic though...I should file it away for the next growth spurt!- Linking up for the very first time, and found that we follow many of the same people, so I thought we ought to be friends too :-)! Love your site, and look forward to getting to know you better. Thanks for hosting today.~

  7. Ooooh! Your recipe looks so delish!
    Thanks for hosting!

  8. I love pesto! Your photos a re beautiful.

  9. I love pesto. At the end of the season, I use up all my fresh basil making pesto. I then freeze it in ice cube trays. One cube is great for flavoring things all winter. It's also great with more olive oil and used as a dipping sauce for homemade artisan bread!

  10. Oh man, summer DOES taste like pesto! Mine isn't in full swing yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to it. That photo is making my mouth water and it's only 7:30 in the morning. :o)

    Thanks again for hosting!

  11. Your pesto looks delish. My basil plant cannot keep up with me so I never have enough to make pesto. Guess I should just plant more! Thanks for hosting :)

  12. yum! this post is making me hungry. pesto is my favorite!! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  13. LOVE many fun ways to make it!

  14. Alissa, I love pesto and it is so good in summer pasta dishes! I love pairing it with shrimp and angel hair!


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  15. yum! this looks SO good! I am going to try to make this!

  16. Yummy! I need to try making pesto. I have a lot of fresh basil to use! Thanks for hosting this link party!! So much fun!

  17. mmmmm that looks soo good!!!! I will definitely be making that soon :)

  18. Walnuts and pesto just might be the perfect marriage. :)

  19. thanks again for hosting us! i've been craving pesto and my basil plant is going crazy! i will be making some soon!

  20. thanks for hosting us! my basil plant is going crazy so pesto is in order!!

  21. Wow, your pictures almost make me want to cook! xx

  22. Oooh, I love pesto! What a great recipe choice. Thanks for sharing :)

    p.s love your blog, just joined!

    xo Emily


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