
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Coobook Review: Simply Scandinavian

Recently, I was asked to review a cookbook - Simply Scandinavian: Travelling in Time with Finnish Cuisine and Nature by Tero Kallio and Kimmo Saira  What a beautiful book!  Even if you don't enjoy cooking, the photographs in this book are simply stunning.  The photography makes this book beautiful enough to be a coffee table book. 
Even the table of contents page has a beautiful photo:
The book has a chapter for each season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.  Within each chapter are recipes for appetizers, main courses, and desserts.  It's a nice way to be able to cook with seasonal ingredients.
I typically tend to favor Mediterranean flavors and wasn't sure what I would think of the recipes in the book.  But, I found many things I want to try.  Like these pancakes:
{ If that photo doesn't make you want to go and make pancakes right away, I don't know what will! }
And this blueberry cheesecake:
And these rhubarb smoothies:
Some of the recipes include ingredients not common in the States.  But from what I could tell, most could easily be substituted for common, readily available ingredients.
I decided to make the lemon and lime sorbet from the Summer Desserts section.  A very simple recipe calling for only 5 ingredients.  It couldn't have been any easier to make and it tasted so refreshing.
Doesn't that look good?
More beautiful pages from the book:
Throughout the book are notes about Scandinavian life.
I told you - the photographs are stunning!
The book includes a wide variety of recipes, including Loin of Pork, Lingonberry Jelly, Hunter's Sandwich, Dill Stew, and Beef a la Rydberg.
If you are interested in Scandinavian cooking, or are just looking to branch out and try something new, this cookbook would be a good choice.  You can find it on Amazon.
{ Fine print: This book was provided to me in exchange for a review on my blog; all of the opinions are 100% mine }


  1. um WOW the cookbook is like a beautiful collection of photos! Makes me want to try each and every recipe...YUM!


  2. Gorgeous photos. Since my husband and his family are Scandinavian, this would be a good cookbook to impress the father-in law!

  3. wow, it's always the photos isnt it.... just make you want to cook and then eat everything. I always find your posts so inspiring, so refreshing. Really enjoyed this one and most definitely tempted to pick up the book... thanks for sharing :)

  4. I really really love doing cookbook reviews. I had never thought of taking pictures like you did. Thanks for the idea. I have take pics of the food that I made next to the recipe page or on the cover. The pics in this book rock.

    I"m your newest GFC fan! xoxo Susieqtpies
    ps..I'm following you on pinterest the same!

  5. What a gorgeous book! The photographs look stunning. My mom is from Latvia which is close to the Scandinavian countries. My grandma always made pancakes similar to the ones pictured for breakfast. They were amazing!


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