
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chiang Mai Dragon Pillow from hodge:podge

I have a special treat for you today.  Barbara from hodge:podge is here to share one of her beautiful projects.  If you haven't been to Barbara's blog you are really missing out!  hodge:podge is one of the first blogs I started to read after I started my own.  Barbara is one of the sweetest bloggers you will meet and her blog is full of wonderful projects for the home - all done on a budget.  I'm so happy to have her here today!

Thanks to Alissa for inviting me to guest post while she is away. I am thrilled and honoured as I have been a loyal reader of Alissa's blog from pretty much the beginning! She always has such amazing projects that are up my alley.

Alissa and I have a lot in common but one thing we both love to do is to sew. Recently she tackled sewing an invisible zipper, via email I told her how easy it really was. As she found it was! I too recently tackled my "invisible zipper phobia" on some juicy and gorgeous pillows after years of sewing

Recently I scored some absolutely delicious fabric memos of  Chiang Mai Dragon by Schumacher that I wanted to make into accent pillows. My only problem was that the company punched grommets into the fabric to discourage anyone from making something from the free memo. I guess it was their way to encourage you to fork out the $200/yard for the stuff! Always up for a challenge while using ingenuity and imagination, I managed to create two fantabulious pillows!

Had to get rid of the grommets somehow. 
Think. Think.

This was hard for me to cut this beautiful fabric. But it was necessary for me to work my magic.

A little piecing with a linen with a similar weight and colour along with some sumptuous navy velvet ribbon.


With the second piece of fabric I just cut out flowers from the above pillow scraps and appliqued them over the grommets.


The ever so fabulous invisible zipper....

There you have it.
Don't let a silly grommet stand in your way from having fabulous pillows.

Thanks again Alissa for having me guest post today. Hope you are having a fabulous time soaking up the sun.

Hop on over to my blog, hodge:podge,  if you want more frugal decor and DIY ideas! 


XO Barbara

Isn't that a beautiful pillow? Barbara came up with such a creative way to work around the grommet in her fabric memo.  Thank you Barbara for sharing this project with us!
To see more beautiful home decor projects and ideas, visit Barbara at hodge:podge.


  1. A great reminder that taking a creative approach can often yield a fabulous, one-of-a-kind look. Great job Barbara!

  2. oh my, how pretty! i love that fabric and what you did with that navy velvet ribbon! very nice job. hopping over to the hodgepodge now :)

  3. Thanks for having me Alissa :) Hope you are enjoying your time with your family.

  4. Great to see a lovely, creative result.
    But that's the norm for Barbara!

  5. Great pillow- the fabric is amazing. I'm so glad I found your site through Barbara.

  6. Wow, so talented! I love the finished results. So creative!

  7. Barbara, every time I see your ingenuity in action I am so inspired! You truly rocked this project!

  8. I LOVE these cushions that Barbara made. She's a very talented & crafty lady, and she came up with some great ways to work around the grommet problem :-)

  9. Gorgeous fabric, very creative solution and I can't wait to check out hodge:podge!

  10. Barbara...followed you over here to see what you were up to....Glad I did, love that pillow and you were very creative in "fixing" the grommet problem.

  11. Oh that Barbara - always full of amazing ideas!

  12. I still think that was brilliant!!! I have some scraps left of that fabric [from a project] and I really need to have a few pillows made like that!!!!!

  13. Fabulous!!! I love the vibrant colors and fun pattern!

  14. Barbara is so creative! I happen to have some fabric with grommets lying around that I'll be tackling soon!!


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