
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tasty Tuesdays: Penne with Tomato Pesto & Smoked Mozzarella

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays!

I'm back with another pasta recipe for you.  I can't help myself - pasta is by far my favorite thing to eat!  This recipe comes from the March 2012 issue of Self magazine.  You can find the original recipe right here.  This is a really easy recipe and would make a great weeknight meal because it doesn't take long to make.  The recipe calls for a food processor, which I don't have, so I used my blender to make the pesto.

- 1/4 cup almonds (I used slivered almonds so that my blender would be able to handle them!)

- 2 cups loosely packed fresh Italian flat leaf parsley
- 12 sun-dried tomato halves
- 2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/4 lb smoked mozzarella, diced
- 1/2 lb whole-wheat penne
- salt & pepper, to taste
- freshly shredded Parmesan, optional

In a small pan over medium heat, toast almonds until golden brown, 5 minutes. In a food processor, pulse almonds, parsley, tomatoes, garlic and oil until slightly chunky. Pour into a bowl; season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add mozzarella; toss to combine. Cook pasta as directed on package; drain and toss immediately with pesto.

Top with shredded Parmesan and garnish with flat leaf parsley.

Serves 4 (According to Self.  If you like pasta, like me, I'd say the serving size is closer to 2.5 -3)

THis tasted great served warm, but I think it would also be a great cold pasta salad recipe for the Summer.
What did you cook this week?
Party Rules:
- Add a link to the post you are linking up back to this post.
OR - Add the Tasty Tuesday button to the post you are linking up.  You will find the button on my sidebar.  Thanks!


  1. Hi Alissa,
    I love Pasta to, your dish looks delicious. I am sharing my Ham and Pasta Casserole today. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week!
    Miz Helen

  2. Hi! New to linking up here. I shared the cherry cobbler and Oreo Cakester pops. Hope you have a great week.

  3. Alissa your recipes always look so delicious and comforting. I host a party called Mix it up Monday and I would love for you to stop over and share some of your recipes:

    I hope to see you soon :)

  4. Good morning Alissa

    Man, that pasta looks amazing!! I'm sharing a Lemon Cracker Cake this week. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for hosting!!

  5. Oh that pasta looks amazing! Wanna bring me some for dinner?? :)
    Thanks for the party each week!

  6. This sauce looks fantastic!! I've shared a tutorial on making seed and nut butters, using sunflower seeds as a demo :)

  7. Thanks again for hosting a great party!

  8. I love pesto and will have to try this out soon!

  9. My husband is all over smoked mozzarella. I'd get major points for making this one. :o)

  10. Wow, that looks amazing. I could live on pasta, so keep these recipes coming!

  11. Everything about this recipe sounds wonderful. I think it must be the return to warmer temperatures, but I'm crazy for pesto these days!

  12. holy hanna! your pasta looks incredible! and how much do i love that you're using happy ingredients for this time of year??? i knew i liked you ;)

    this week i've linked up our contents from our CSA. Where do you get your veggies/ingredients from?


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